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Strawberry Mango Banana Smoothie

Prep Time - 5mins


1 1/2 cup mango

1 1/2 cups strawberries

1/2 banana

2/3 cup unsweetened coconut milk

1 cup vanilla Greek yogurt

1 Tbsp stevia, honey or maple syrup (or to taste)

Strawberry Mango Banana Smoothie


Serves: 2

1) In a blender, add mango, strawberries, banana, Greek yogurt, coconut milk, and sweetener. Blend on high for about 30 seconds or until smooth. If smoothie is too thick, add a splash more coconut milk.

2) Pour between two glasses. Rinse blender.

3) For a layered smoothie, blend strawberry/banana and mango mixtures separately, using half of the ingredients with each and pour layers into a glass.

4) Garnish with fresh strawberries or mangoes (if desired) and serve immediately.

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